Portrait Unveiling, Reggie Jackson, portrait by Igor Babailov
Portrait of Reggie Jackson, portrait by Igor Babailov
Reggie Jackson
Portrait of Reggie Jackson,
American Baseball Hall of Famer
(Oil on Canvas, 30" x 24")
Reggie Jackson and Igor Babailov, portrait unveiling, New York City
Portrait Unveiling, Reggie Jackson, portrait by Igor Babailov
Portrait Unveiling, Reggie Jackson, portrait by Igor Babailov, New York City
Portrait Presentation, New York City
BRAD HESS  Photography,    New York City
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To commission a custom portrait painting by Igor Babailov please contact
Studio Babailov via e-mail at  Info@Babailov.com   
Copyright  ©  Studio Babailov
All images on this website are the intellectual property of         Igor V. Babailov and may not be reproduced in any form without  the artist's written permission

Igor V. Babailov